Clarification on tax on capital gains from mutual funds

Suppose I have salary income (after all deduction and exemption) is 11 lakhs, and the following are the realised gains:

  1. Equity short term gain 1000
  2. Debt short term loss 250

(Both of these are combination of profit and/or loss from multiple funds)

In this case, what will be my tax?

Will it be (11,00,000 - 250) * 30% + 1000 * 15%, i.e. debt short term loss will be adjusted by salary income?

Or, will it be 11,00,000 * 30% + 750 * 15%, i.e. debt short term loss will be adjusted by equity short term gain?

Or, will it be 11,00,000 * 30% + 1000 * 15% and 250 needs to be carried forward?

A post was merged into an existing topic: How to calculate Short Term Capital Gains for a non-salaried individual?