Dividend reporting on quicko


TDS is already deducted from my dividend income. So while filing tax in quicko I need to enter the amount which I received in the bank after TDS deduction or do I need to enter the amount received in the bank + TDS?

Hey, while reporting your dividend income under IFOS, you need to enter the gross amount i.e amount in bank + TDS and claim tax credit for the same. Hope this helps

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On signin with aadhar otp, all bank interest income is in prefill data. When it comes to dividends, prefill data is showing the correct "total dividend credit 'but asking break up with date. ( I go by ais only as form26as reported only half the dividend)

Do i have to add one by all companies - dividends received?
Date means transay date or booking date by the dividend payee?

Hey, you need to add report your dividend income in terms of the transaction date. Hope this helps

Where do we add dividends from equity mutual funds. I see when I add in dividend income it gets directed added to my taxable income.

Hey, you need to report your dividend income under the dividend category itself. Since your dividend income is taxable, it is getting added to your taxable income. If TDS has been deducted from your dividend, you will be able to claim tax credits.

Hope this helps