Income Tax on Inheritance

Hey @Anup_K_Nair

Sorry to hear about you father.

Your mother will NOT be liable to pay any tax on the inherited assets, as she is the legal heir (assumed). The Income Tax Act, 1961 excludes inherited assets from taxation.

However, any subsequent income arising from these assets (dividend, interest, etc.) will be added to your mother’s income and she’ll be liable to pay tax on such income.

PS: I hope your father had added your mother as a nominee in his accounts, else you’ll have to do a lot of paperwork.

Hope this helps :grinning: & feel free to reach out for any further queries.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Agricultural Income Tax Liability

Hi. My father passed away in Nov 2019. We have received his PF+Insurance+Gratuity etc total amounts to 35L+ in my mother’s account. I have taken 25L+ from it as my share… Do I have to pay tax for these amount? I have got no salary from Apr 2020 because of Covid-19. There is no other income for me from then. Please elaborate as I am new to tax filing and its rules. I have never filed ITR till date as my salary was only 15k per month and I have no other income. Thank you for your response in advance.

Hey @sarvesh.k91

Income earned after the death of the individual will need to be disclosed in the personal income tax return of the legal heir. The legal heir should include this income inherited from the deceased in his own income while filing his own income tax return.

The liability of the legal heir shall be limited to the value of the assets inherited.

Feel free to reach out in case of further queries!

I received a property in inheritance, do I need to pay tax on it?

Hey Nidhi,

You don’t have to pay any tax on the transfer i.e. the inheritance of property. However, if you are receiving any income from it like rent or capital gains from the sale of house property - it will be taxable.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Hello all -

First, I deeply appreciate each of your collective time and helpful nature. I have received ancestral inheritance by bank deposit early this year. There was undivided ancestral land property from way long time ago (over 60 years). It was divided among the relatives this year, and registered to over 25 relatives (sons, daughters, widows, widowers, grand sons, daughters etc). On the same day, as soon as it was divided and registered, we all sold the property to a common buyer, who gave individual cheques to each of the relatives. I have received over 4L in this process, as some others have received over 10L also. The question is - how do I report this in the ITR this year? Should I report in exempt income (ES) schedule? I do not see inherited income in ANY of schedules - either Other Sources or Exempt Income schedule. Please let me know. Thanks much in advance!!

Hey @Bharti_Vasvani can you please help here?

Hello @raopreetham,

This is a capital transaction and hence shall be taxed under the head “Income from Capital Gains”. The amount that you have received (around INR 4 Lakhs) shall be the Sales consideration, you can claim the acquisition cost based on your share in the land, if acquisition cost is not ascertainable you can claim the fair value of that share of land as on 01/04/2001.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Bharti. But doesn’t this fall under the category of an inherited money and hence not to be taxed?

Hello @raopreetham,

When you inherited the ancestral property, it is not taxed at that time. As you have sold the property and earned some gain on transfer of capital asset, that gain will be taxable.


I have gifted share to my wife. While I see it’s not taxable to me the equities were sold from my account and then transferred to wife account. How can I declare the value or adjust the gain to show this transaction?

one of the female it assessee rs:15 lacs shareing amount form selling for inherited property in f.y. 21-22
Assessee shareing amount rs:15 lacs capital gains tax applicable in it act.

Hi @Sundaraiah_Kollipara

Yes, an amount of Rs. 15 lakh capital gains is applicable to inherited property tax.

As a nominee, the FD of my father is now transferred to my name. I know that the inherited amount is not taxable. But it is reflected in my name now. How to declare that FD is inherited and hence shouldn’t be taxed ?

Hi @Vj_KS

You can show this as an exempt income > gift under IFOS in your ITR.

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Thank you Shruthika for your response.
Should I declare that in the current year or after 2 years when the FD matures ?

Hi @Vj_KS

You must disclose the FD in the year in which you have received as exempt income.
However, whenever the interest is received, it shall be taxable in your hands.

Hope this helps.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Taxation for HUFs | Is clubbing applicable

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: How are gifted shares taxed?