One Person Company (OPC)

Private limited company requires 2 shareholders and 2 directors.

if I form OPC and then Can I form Privated limited company where I can become shareholders and OPC can become shareholder?

@Sakshi_Shah1 can you help?

Hi @Private

Yes. Both you and the OPC can become a shareholder in the Private Limited Company.

bank account of OPC is required to open in registered city? or it can be open in any branch?

Hi @Private

A bank account of an OPC can be opened in any bank branch.

does director can give loan to OPC above paid up capital? or loan amount should be less than paid up capital?


Yes, you can give a loan to OPC as there is no clause restricting the loan amount to paid-up capital.

Could you please explain this?
Add proper suffix or prefix to make name unique or apply fresh names.
Kindly explain how you made compliance of
8(2)(l) of the companies incorporation rules,2019.

Hi @Shantanu_Pandey

You can Ask an Expert for in-depth knowledge of the compliances.

if OPC don’t allowed to do investment. How can it become shareholder in another company ? Can you please verify this ?

Hello @Private,

As per the provisions of Companies Act, 2013, an OPC cannot carry out Non-Banking Financial Investment Activities including investment in securities of any body corporates.

Hence an OPC is not allowed to become shareholder but you can become shareholder of the private limited company.

Hope this clarifies!