Is there any way to exempt LTCG from Equity above 1 Lakh?
Example : If I booked LTCG of 5L , Now 5L - 1L(Exempted) = 4L
Is there any way to exempt tax on this 4L i.e. 10% of 4L = Rs. 40,000?
Investing in Bonds or something?
Is there any way to exempt LTCG from Equity above 1 Lakh?
Example : If I booked LTCG of 5L , Now 5L - 1L(Exempted) = 4L
Is there any way to exempt tax on this 4L i.e. 10% of 4L = Rs. 40,000?
Investing in Bonds or something?
Investment of Sale proceeds in purchase/ construction of Residential Property( within prescribed period) is the only way to get tax Exemption.
You can invest these gains into a house property and claim an exemption u/s 54F.