Getting error in the final efiling step on Quicko for ITR-2

{“errors”:[{“as_per_itr”:0,“scheme”:“Schedule CG”,“variance”:0,“suggestion”:“In Sch CG, value at field E(vii) is not equal to the sum of Sl. No. (B1e + B2e + B5c + B8f + B9e + B10 + B11b)”,“message”:“In Sch CG, value at field E(vii) is not equal to the sum of Sl. No. (B1e + B2e + B5c + B8f + B9e + B10 + B11b)”,“category”:“A”,“as_computed”:0,“error_category”:“A”},{“as_per_itr”:0,“variance”:0,“error_code”:“ITR2.ScheduleCGFor23_TotScheduleCGFor23_5Hd3k”,“as_computed”:0,“error_field”:“ITR.ITR2.ScheduleCGFor23.SumOfCGIncm”,“error_category”:“A”}]}

Please help resolve this asap!

Please update @TeamQuicko!


Please send us the error report on so the team can check and help you at the earliest.

I have already done that and have been waiting for resolution of this issue. Please help asap!