How to declare digital gold investment in ITR 2 if there is only fresh investment and no capital gain or capital loss occured by selling this gold in respective FY

How to declare digital gold investment in ITR 2 if there is only fresh investment and no capital gain or capital loss occured by selling this gold in respective financial year

Hi @Vnpbnp_123

An individual is required to disclose his assets and liabilities in Schedule AL (Assets & Liabilities) if his total income exceeds Rs. 50,00,000 in a financial year. This rule is applicable to individuals filing ITR 2 & ITR 3.

Hence, if you do not have any capital gain/loss on account of the sale of this gold and your annual income is less than 50,00,000, then you need not declare the digital gold investment in ITR 2.

Read more about Income Tax on Gold in India - Learn by Quicko

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