I have a account where i have an unrealized LTCG of 10 lakhs. I have no other income. how much can i save using tax harvesting is it only up to new limit of 1.25 lakh or i can use extra of basic exemption limit of 2.5 lakhs?
also if i transfer these shares to my son’s account(he is above 18 but not earning right now) can he also do tax harvesting of 1.25lakh and also use Basix exemption limit?
Also can we do tax harvesting of 1.25 lakhs in my husband’s account(he falls in 30% tax bracket)?
also how much is the basic exemption limit is it 2.5 or 3 lakhs?
Kindly anyone answer these query as soon as possible.
Thank You very much for replying. One more doubt
if I transfer shares to my husband account and then he books profits can he claim LTCG limit of 1.25lakh?
No, your husband cannot claim the ₹1.25 lakh LTCG exemption on shares received as a gift from you. Since the shares are transferred to your husband without consideration (as a gift), any profit (LTCG) he earns from selling them will be clubbed with your income and taxed in your hands.