Need help in filling out the Assets and Liabilities section


I need help with the following queries:

  1. Where does FD amount go while filling out assets.
  2. Where does the PPF amount go when filling out assets
    3)Where does the ‘balance with broker’ and ‘securities held with broker’ go while filling assets.

I’m confused with what goes under ‘Long term investment’, Short term investment’ and what should go under ‘Closing Stock’ and ‘Other current assets’.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

Hey @Kartikey_Garg,

If you’re talking about the balance sheet required for your business, you don’t have to enter your personal assets and liabilities. Only assets and liabilities related to the trading business have to be entered.

These need to be mentioned only when you are reporting your capital gains under business income or its a regular goods business. In case of F&O trading, you can proceed without adding these.