what’s Return Preparation Utility (RPU) for tds filing?
Hey @Lorenzo ,
The NSDL e-Gov has developed a software called an e-TDS/TCS Return Preparation Utility (RPU) to facilitate the preparation of e-TDS/TCS returns and ease the process.
Here’s how you can do it:
Visit the TIN-NSDL portal. Click on Services > e-TDS/e-TCS option from the dashboard.
Click on e-TDS/e-TCS RPU. From the e-TDS/e-TCS option located on the left side.
Click on the “Download RPU Version 3.0” link. The versions are modified from time to time. So make sure to have latest version of RPU.
Extract the files. The file downloaded is a zipped file.
Open the “TDS_RPU_3.0.jar” which is the executable jar file. From the list of files in the folder.
Click on the “OK” option to access the utility. Start filling the details to prepare TDS Return/Statement.
Hope this helps!