Based on the information you provided regarding your income sources with the foreign broker account, it appears that option A3 is the more appropriate choice for your situation.
Option A3 in Schedule FA specifically captures details related to foreign equity and debt interest, which includes dividend income and capital gains from US stocks. As you mentioned, you are the beneficial owner of the US stocks, therefore, you need to provide the relevant details of those stocks in A3.
On the other hand, option A2 is intended for disclosing information about foreign custodial accounts, including any beneficial interest held, it is primarily meant for reporting cash balances or holdings in custodial accounts that do not involve equity or debt interest.
Hence, to report income from interest, dividend, and capital gains from US stocks, we recommend selecting option A3 in Schedule FA.
The way this broker works is first I have to add funds in USD to the broker account, and then use the cash balance to buy US stock. In my case, the cost of the stocks I purchased was less than the funds I added to the broker. Hence I had a cash balance and broker paid interest on that cash balance.
How will I include the cash balance and interest on the cash balance in A3?
The total funds you have invested in US stocks should be reported under A3. The remaining cash balance you have in your broker account is considered an asset and should be added in A2.
And the interest earned on the cash balance should be reported as income, which will be included in the FSI (Foreign Source Income) section of ITR.
Since you’ve not bought those shares and hence you don’t own them (i.e, not exercised), there is no requirement for you to disclose the same.
There was no need to show it also last year, nor even this year, as there is no holding. It’s just an active account hence no liability to disclose the same.
I have some foreign stocks and have already filed a return using Quicko. I went to filed a revised return, downloaded the JSON and uploaded it on the ITD website. But there is no option to file Schedule FA now. It uploads it and directly takes me to the e-verification stage. How do I upload JSON and also add Schedule FA?
You are required to report all your foreign holdings under Schedule FA while filing your ITR.
As of now, Quicko does not support this feature, hence you’ve 2 alternatives: