Setting off LTCG LOSS

I have already filed ITR for the year FY 2023-2024 with carry forward LOSS of RS. 511564.

In current financial year FY 2024-2025) I sold shares with LTCG of 616000.

Based on above, kindy advise on below:

1). How much tax should I pay as LTCG in the FY 2024-2025.

2). Is it mandatory paying advance TAX in my case.

  1. I anticipate that I can make profit of approximately RS. 360,000/- in the FY 2024-2025 from Option Trading, should I pay Advance Tax for the FY 2024-2025. Please note that I have no other income except Dividend from stocks.

It will depend on whether the FY23-24 loss was LTCL or STCL or F&O business loss or some other.
It is advisable to pay adv tax; however if that is a headache to calculate, just pay final tax due with some acceptable level of penalty.

Hello @michuanu2002,

Can you clarify what is the type of carry-forward loss for FY 2023-24? Because rules for setting off losses are different for different types of losses.

Dear Sister,

Thank you for your response. Please find below the details:

Year : FY 2023-2024

LTCL: 498,724

STCL: 12,840

If I have to file Advance Tax, how to pay. I am anticipating profit of 360,000 in the current FY and I have no other income.

