Could u provide info regarding tax rules and regulation for option trading as a partnership firm
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Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of tax rules for options trading as a partnership firm:
Business Income Classification:
- F&O trading is considered non-speculative business income
- Must maintain regular books of accounts
Tax Rates Applicable:
- Partnership firm taxed at flat 30%
- Plus applicable surcharge and education cess
- Partners receive income as share of profit (exempt in their hands)
Compliance Requirements:
Advance Tax:
- Pay quarterly if tax liability > ₹10,000
- June 15th (15%)
- Sept 15th (45%)
- Dec 15th (75%)
- March 15th (100%)
Audit Requirements:
- Tax audit applicability check
Loss Treatment:
- Business losses can be carried forward for 8
years - Can be set off against any business income
- Business losses can be carried forward for 8
TDS Compliance if any nature of payment upto
31.3.25 ( From Financial Year 2025-26
mandatory compliance requirement hence apply
for TAN and make TDS compliance as any
Remuneration and Interest received by partner
required TDS)