When it will start filling?

Hey @Pradip_Kanparia,

We’ll be live in a couple of days.

We appreciate your patience. Stay tuned!

I see this issue of redirects when I try to click on Get Started. This is happening on Chrome, Edge both, however looks like working fine on mobile.

What do you mean by coming soon? This is one of the main reasons that I even chose to file my taxes via quicko and it was available last time. Now it is inactive?

Hey @rishi5354,

Here are a few possible solutions to the issue:

  1. Logout once and login back.
  2. Hard refresh the page (Ctrl+ Shift + R)
  3. Clear the cache from the browser and try again.

If you are still facing issues, kindly reach at help@quicko.com and the team will be happy to assist you.