Will I still get EPF tax benefits on switching to new tax regime?

I have a basic pay of ₹12L and every year my company and I invest ₹1.44L each towards provident fund (EPF). I have been filing my ITR under old tax regime till now. However, I think the new regime will benefit more after union budget 2025 changes. Will I get EPF deduction under new regime too?

Employee Provident Fund, or EPF is an EEE (Exempt-Exempt-Exempt) investment scheme for salaried employees in India. This means you don’t pay tax at all three stages of your investment:

  1. On contribution – The amount invested towards EPF qualifies as tax-free income.
  2. On earning interest – The interest credited to your EPF account is non-taxable.
  3. On corpus withdrawal – Any amount withdrawn from your EPF corpus (both principal and interest) after five years of continuous service is tax-free.

:bulb:There are a few conditions under which you might not get these tax benefits, and you can read more about them here.

Now when we talk about EPF contributions, there are two components to it.

  1. Employee’s contribution
  2. Employers’ contribution

Under the old regime, both the employee and employer contributions are tax free. This means:

  • Employee’s contribution towards EPF up to ₹1.5L can be claimed as a deduction u/s 80C.
  • Contribution by your employer to the extent of 12% of basic salary* is tax-exempt in your hands.

*Basic + dearness allowance in case of government employees

Now, if you switch to the new tax regime, you won’t be able to claim the tax deduction against your contributions u/s 80C. However, the employer’s contribution up to 12% of basic continues to be tax-exempt in your hands.

Note: If the employer’s combined contribution to your NPS account, superannuation fund and EPF account exceeds ₹7.5 lakh in a financial year, the excess contribution will become taxable in your hands.

Lastly, once opted for EPF, you cannot opt out during the period of employment even though your PF contribution is no longer deductible under section 80C.