When will Quicko Start ITR Filling?

Hi Team ,

when e-filing will be enable from platform , as e-filing last date is 31-july-2022

Hi @Santosh_Kumar_Singh,

We are all set to roll out e-filing from our end. Currently, we are in the process of renewing our ERI license with the ITD, however, the process is taking longer than expected.
We’ll let you know as soon as there is an update on this. We are as pumped as you are 🙂

Hi Team,

Can you please confirm by when ITR filing will be enabled for FY 2021-2022?


Hi @Nagaraj_Chillale ,

We are all set to roll out e-filing from our end. Currently, we are in the process of renewing our ERI license with the ITD, however, the process is taking longer than expected.
We’ll let you know as soon as there is an update on this.
We are as pumped as you are 🙂

I have not filed an ITR before and in FY21-22 I made 4 F&O trades and booked a loss of 15000. Is it compulsory for me to file ITR or I can avoid. I have no other income. Can I avoid filing and if I do will there be any penalty?

I have not filed an ITR before and in FY21-22 I made 4 F&O trades and booked a loss of 15000. Is it compulsory for me to file ITR or I can avoid. I have no other income. Can I avoid filing and if I do will there be any penalty?

any help on downloading JSON to file will be appreciated. I am not able to e-file ITR2 and not also able to download the JSON file to file manually.

i want to file ITR 3 for ay 2022-23 by quicko. but it is not enabled till now .due date is july 31 2022. will quicko enable ITR 3 filing before due date or should i switch to other source.waiting for response

Hi Team,

Can you please confirm by when ITR filing will be enabled for FY 2021-2022?
